Fill Out The Contact Form
Tell us a little about the type of legal issue you are facing in Arizona.

Free Consultation
After processing your request, Legal Aid of Arizona works to provide a list of attorneys in Arizona that you may contact for consultation if appropriate.

Discounted Legal Fees
Certain participating attorneys may extend a discount
on their hourly fees if they choose to represent you, subject to our terms.
Contact Us by Phone – (480) 658-2552
You can also try contacting us by phone at (480) 658-2552 to receive information or talk subject to our terms. At this time we do not offer in-person appointments. All contact with us is subject to our terms.
About Us
Legal Aid for Referrals operates a free lawyer referral service designed to assist you in obtaining representation of your choice. Our programming is free and open to the public.
At this time we do not provide direct free legal representation. If you cannot afford an attorney, click here for some free resources.
We also provide free legal help/information for small businesses.
We are a private service and not affiliated with any publicly funded organization or public entity. All contact with us and use of our service is subject to our terms and conditions. We are not affiliated with Southern Arizona Legal Aid. We do not endorse any attorney, establish, monitor rates, or guarantee any action, representation, impartiality, contact, method, or result. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this service. Use of this service does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Your claims may require immediate attention to avoid missing potential filing or statutory deadlines. Therefore, you cannot rely on Legal Aid of Arizona to respond to you in time to meet any deadline or provide any referral. By using our service or contacting us you are consenting and agreeing to communicate with us per our terms and conditions. You can reach us at 480-658-2552 or legalaidaz @